Creative Lip Sync

Sponsored By Ariel Corporation

Director in Charge: Chris Well
Theme: “Strike Up the Band”

Carefully read the following if you are interested in participating in the Lip Sync

On Thursday, Sept 6th at 7:00 p.m., a Creative Lip Sync Contest will be held for age groups:

16 years of age and older (adults)
12 through 15 years of age
9 through 11 years of age
0 through 8 years of age

The 16 years and older age group may pre-register by calling Chris Well at 740.501.1288 or register on the evening of the event at 6:30 p.m. in front of the First Knox National Bank.

 There will be two times for try-outs this year, Thur. Aug 30, 6-7 p.m. and Sat., Sept. 1, 10 a.m. – noon.
Age groups that need to try-out are 0 through 8, 9 through 11, and 12 through 15 years of age.
They will be held at the Fredericktown School Commons area (watch for signs).
This will be the only way for 0 – 15 years of age participants to register.
There will be no walk-ons during the Tomato Show.

Participants must bring their music selection on CD and their costumes to the tryout. A CD player will be provided. Participants will be asked to perform the entire 3 minute entry. Come prepared to do so.


In order to insure our family-oriented event remains so, written lyrics may be requested. The committee reserves the right to deny entry due to lyrics, attire or dance movements. Performances WILL BE LIMITED TO 3 MINUTES, so practice. With that in mind, special circumstances need prior approval.


The committee reserves the right to split or combine classes according to the number of entries. The number of entries in each may also be limited. The order of the performances is at the discretion of the committee. In duet and group entries, the entry will compete in the category of the oldest member of the group/duet.

PLEASE NOTE: An individual may participate in one performance in a solo/duet and one performance in group in age categories 0-15. Participant can choose either solo or duet. 16 and over may participate in more than one category.

Scoring will be based on a scale of 40 points:
20 points – creativity/originality; 10 points – appearance; 10 points – lip sync


Prizes will be awarded for the first four places in each class

Group — 1st • $60.00 — 2nd • $35.00 — 3rd • $20.00 — 4th • $10.00
Solo/Duet — 1st • $40.00 — 2nd • $20.00 — 3rd • $10.00 — 4th • $5.00
Director’s Award for the best overall performance • Best Costume Award
• Best Theme Award ~ “Growing Toward The Future”


Fredericktown Tomato Show | Description


The Fredericktown Tomato Show is an annual event that takes place in Fredericktown, Ohio the first Wednesday through Saturday after Labor Day.

Fredericktown Tomato Show | Fredericktown, OH Location


Fredericktown, Ohio is located north of Mount Vernon in northwestern Knox County, just 10 miles east of Interstate 71 on State Route 95. Click here to see the full map.

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