Advertise in our printed booklet

Your advertisement at your specifications

Director in Charge: Dick Brenneman
 Chris Well, Kim Fearn

It is time to prepare for The Fredericktown Tomato Show. One of the many ways to help in supporting the festival is to purchase advertising space in our premium book. We ask that with this completed form you also send a camera readv ad. Faxes are NOT acceptable to the printers, but your advertisement can be e-mailed to Dick Brenneman at
The following rectangle shows the size of a quarter page ad:

Quarter Page Ad

Option 1

Step 1: Submit Payment 

Full page ad @ $90

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Half page ad @ $50

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Quarter page ad @ $30

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 Step 2: Submit FormPlease select a valid form


Option 2

 Download a digital copy.

Download, print, complete , and mail a physical copy.

The Tomato Show Advertisement Form

(right-click, choose “Save Link As…”)

The mailing address may be found on the form.

Thank you for your partnership in seeing that this community tradition successfully continues. lf you have any questions, please call Dick Brenneman at (740) 694-1755.

Fredericktown Tomato Show | Description


The Fredericktown Tomato Show is an annual event that takes place in Fredericktown, Ohio the first Wednesday through Saturday after Labor Day.

Fredericktown Tomato Show | Fredericktown, OH Location


Fredericktown, Ohio is located north of Mount Vernon in northwestern Knox County, just 10 miles east of Interstate 71 on State Route 95. Click here to see the full map.

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